welcome to north leaf canada

We're a Canadian Corporation & Charity Organization Based in Toronto Ontario Canada.

We Provide Only legal Advices , According to the Law and our own experience. We ‘re not responsible for any outcome or illegal documents you may provide along with you application to any country

Countries We Have Visited

top view of judge near clipboard with immigration lettering on document near stamp and gavel
What can we do ?

About Us

We ‘re a Canadian corporation for services &  charity organization , We provide different services like Marketing , Education services ,Investment consulting services , Real Estate photography , Travel consultancy & guidance , Employment solutions , Second passport services. Newcomers Services (Canada). located in North York , Toronto ON , Canada

Why charity ?

We helped many people by providing them free consultations for the nationals of all countries , Do we charge ? We do charge minimum to cover our company’s expenses and improve our work , Our fees depends on what are you applying for and it varies from a person to another depending on their situation , skills , education , & work experience.

We are a small team located in Toronto ON, Canada , We volunteered to help many immigrants filling their applications to many countries not only to Canada , We worked with many clients to pursue their studies overseas , Investors & Skilled workers , We ‘re open for collaboration with any business.

You may contact us for further assistance.
Kind Regards “

North Leaf Canada Team